We know how important it is to stay on top of new technology in drilling and completion operations. By keeping up with the latest equipment and material advancements XStim Consulting can make better recommendations to our clients on how to drill and complete a well more efficiently. As Oil and Gas consultants we want to bring the most efficient ideas to our operations. That is why last week we participated, again, in the Unconventional Resources Technology Event or URTeC.
While at the event we attended several panel sessions and met with vendors on their new technologies in the industry. We were able to learn more about several theories that production companies are trying in their operations. As well as some new tools that will aid in well diagnostics and completions.
We attended the “Local to Global Impact of Supply Chain in the Industry and New Opportunities Created” topical breakfast that was presented by Bruce Fulin. The information that Bruce presented was quite informative and gave direction on future outlooks in the global supply chain with present energy consumption. He was able to touch this topic at both a local and global level while discussing how they are impacting one another. Bruce also discussed options of what we can do to mitigate future disruptions moving forward. We are quite happy with attending this topical breakfast and being able to hear Bruce’s input on the present supply chain issues.While walking through the expo we stopped at Dark Vision and talked with Chris McCann & Tamara Maxwell about their latest services. Dark Vision provides casing, tubing, and wellhead inspection utilizing their proprietary ultrasound technology that measures the inside geometry within the well three dimensionally. These 3D measurements can be displayed as a visualization/model showing an accurate view of what is happening in the well. This technology can be applied to perf erosion, casing collapse or burst, well integrity, and obstructions in the well. Chris and Tamara showed us several examples of images that were caught from inside a well including plug slip marks from where the plug was originally set during a frac with an erosional breach. This technology is cutting edge and is the next advancement in logging well integrity.
After that we stopped by the NCS Multistage booth where we talked with Gabi Clark from Repeat Precision. Gabi has supplied multiple of our clients with PurpleSeal Plugs and we wanted to inquire more about their upcoming products since we have had such high success with their current 5.5” plug in the field. She informed us that they will be having a smaller OD plug for 5.5” 20# and 23# casing. This new plug will have an OD of 4.25” utilizing the same material as the original plug and rated for 10k psi. We have found that there have been no slip indications with their original 5.5” plug as well as having great results while drilling out. Gabi said this plug is now currently available as a field trial but has not yet been released on the market. I know several people who are eager for this new product to come out because of the success they have had with Repeat Precisions current PurpleSeal Plugs. Who wouldn’t be excited about the same plug material with the same rating but having less of it in your well?
Devon Energy and the Dept of Energy presented “Refracs, Worth it or Not?” in a Special Session during the event. In this presentation Devon presented how they gathered and analyzed data when monitoring the refrac in their field in the Eagleford. They covered several topics from the preload before the frac to perf efficiency as well as how and why they distributed their perf design throughout the well. The data did show that there was in fact a lot of new formation stimulated but also showed that quite a bit of previous fractures were restimulated. The question never actually seemed answered if it was worth it or not but that answer can be subjective to the operator producing their field. From what we gathered out of the presentation we would say yes it was worth it. There was indeed formation stimulated that was not before and a lot of good data came out of what Devon gathered. The data showing what worked and what did not as well as where the fluid was distributed. We are sure that with this study Devon and others will be able to master and design the refrac that will maximize the potential for new fracture growth and more stimulated formation.
We got a chance to stop and talk with Adam Shuttleworth with Impact Selector International about what new products they have on the market. Adam showed us their Relative Bearing Tool (RBT) that can be utilized for plug & perf operations which accurately measures roll and inclination real time. This means that the tool will give the orientation of the guns prior to firing leaving the opportunity to reposition the guns to meet proper orientation before firing. This tool is a part of Impact Selector’s Reel-Time Data Series that is essentially a plug and play device that’s compatible with Warrior System which is utilized by most wireline companies throughout the industry. The tool is rated for temperatures up to 350°F and 20,000 psi and has proven successful based upon their case study. With more fiber being installed in wells and more refracs occuring this tool will come in handy when needing to shoot orientated guns.
Overall, we really enjoyed this years UrTec Event and excited to do it again next year. We know for us to be the best consulting firm in the Oil & Gas Industry we must continue to be involved with the new technology released and how it can be applied to our operations.We would like to thank our consultant Brad McKnight and his son Wyatt McKnight for joining us at the event. We would also like to give a special thanks to Emily Halal and Kelsie Walker for supporting us at our booth. Emily and Kelsie are our financial and wealth advisors for us at XStim Consulting, inc. and have helped us make great financial decisions in these poor market times. It means a lot to have a strong team of people like Brad, Emily, Kelsie, & all our consultants who make us who we are!
Learn More: DarkVision, PurpleSeal, Impact Selector International, Consultant of the Month